About me


Mariia Zelenetska walking on the street among people

Hello, world! Here I am walking on the streets of Scandinavia since I left my home in Ukraine a year ago when the war began. I have never been a traveler, and I was lucky enough to live in my home country for almost 35 years - the country where I was born and where I gave birth to my child; the country where I had my home and my beloved Black Sea. But suddenly the war happened, and all my friends and relatives live all around the world now. 

I feel I have something to share with you about my culture, our family traditions, and Ukrainian cuisine. Though Ukrainians geographically belong to Europe, we have some unique features that will be interesting to talk about. I will focus mainly on cooking, traditional celebrations, and my experience as being emigrant in Sweden. 

Writing a blog is quite a challenge in today's world of Tik-Tok creatives and AI tools, but writing and telling stories are my passion, no matter the trends. 
So welcome! It's nice to see you here 🤗
